JB USA is part of a larger community – the International Junior Branch! Every chapter in IJB shares common goals. Click here for more information about IJB.
JB Goals & Indicators
Build a Junior Branch Community
- JB experiences are enjoyable.
- There are positive and constructive dynamics between JBers.
- People feel comfortable contributing ideas, opinions, or suggestions.
- People feel comfortable taking part in JB events and activities at all levels.
- JBers apply what they learn in CISV to their day to day life.
- There is widespread participating in brainstorming and visioning.
- There is a sense of fairness in decision-making.
- JB activities are a source of successful recruitment.
- Diverse opinions are considered and valued.
- Junior Branches benefit from being part of International Junior Branch.
Develop Individuals and Leadership
- There are opportunities for all JBers to acquire and develop skills.
- JBers are able to use a range of different tools and methods.
- JBers communicate effectively.
- There are opportunities for all JBers to take leadership.
- Quality is maintained or improved when leadership changes.
- Leadership is approachable and communicative.
Encourage Education and Action
- JBers apply what they learn in CISV in their day to day life.
- JBers actively contribute to their communities outside of CISV.
- Junior Branches work with other organizations to achieve common goals.
- JBers participate in a sufficient number of activities based on the annual CISV educational content area.
- Local and global issues are discussed within JB meetings or activities.
Actively Develop our Organization
- JBers feel comfortable taking an active role at any level of CISV.
- JBers share ideas, tools, and best practices with CISV members outside their Junior Branch.
- Junior Branches collaborate constructively with other levels of CISV.
- JBers positively challenge and build CISV programs and structures.